
This is a merge of my 'Wanderer' blog that tells of two years of my three years on the streets, and a new blog that tells of my life after the Diocese of Winchester ripped through my life for for the last few years on top of the previous serious harm that left me homeless
This is a day to day blog of my life as I continue to survive, work on recovery and on the social problems that I have and try to come to terms with limitless traumas I have survived along the way.
This blog is in tandem with my blog about my experiences in the Church of England

The former name of this blog and the name of it's sister blog are to do with my sense of humour, which I hope to keep to the end, which appears to be ever more rapidly approaching. At least I laughed, and I laughed at the people who were destroying me. Don't forget that.

Here are my books, which I wrote for you if you would like to know more:

Tuesday, 11 October 2011

I know this town now

It gets to a point where you are registered in a town and know the services, you know the town then, you don't necessarily belong there, you just know the town.

I see a nurse who checks on my asthma, my peak flow is considerably improved despite the fact that I am still getting out of breath, this improvement is due to being on the green inhaler.
The nurse talks about why I am still having breathlessness but none of the possibilities seem to fit, she refers me to the doctor who will see me tomorrow.
The receptionist at this surgery is exceptionally nice and helpful.

I go to check out a centre that offers some homeless help as well as being a general cafe/daycentre for all old, lonely and vulnerable people. I have been told they look after homeless people's bags during the day as well.
At first I am a bit put off and anxious about the new daycentre, but they decide to adopt me, they get me mugs of tea and sandwiches and offer advice and help, they have a cafe, quiet lounge, social area, library and chapel, I like it, and they say I can sleep round the back if I like and they will let me in in the morning.

I go to the library and plug myself into the computer until it closes at 8pm, my plan then was to check out my new sleeping place and then move my bedding there, but I see someone else jumping the wall to get into where I was told I could sleep, so it isn't as safe as hoped, so  I will be back to sleeping at my old place which isn't too secure.
I go to the samaritans for a chat and then head for soup kitchen, my pal who's kitchen floor I slept on turns up and is as friendly and cheerful as before, he said he slept till 2.30pm on Sunday and never heard me go and never came to meet me at the church for lunch. I said that was ok as long as he didn't think I was rude going without waking him, I couldn't bear to disturb him.
We do the same as before, pool what food we get, then I am suddenly approached by somone from the local council outreach who ask where I am living and if I am sleeping rough, argh, I chat politely to them, some of the homeless gang are a bit drunk and disruptive, it must have been their giro day. my scottish friend turns up and grabs some food, grins and says hello briefly before hurrying off, he doesn't like the crowd.
 It is a cold wind again and my other pal invites me to go back to his house again, again I make it clear that I am not looking for a man and he accepts that, we go back and he goes into one of the other rooms to smoke some and drink with his housemates, I make myself a cuppa and bed down on the floor, as I am bedding down I hear a conversation going on outside the window, two ratehr classy girls are criticizing the world, they mention a church and I think 'wow, has the church's condemnation of me really got this far, I get up and nosily hang out the window to hear, but they are discussing one person after another with a full criticism of each, it is funny, they keep nearly ending their meeting and then continuing, my friend comes back in the room and laughs at me listening in to this fascinating commentary, he settles on the bed and tells me I can tuck into the bed if I want, but I tell him I am ok on the floor and it is good for my back, he accepts that and laughs as the women outside continue to gossip, he says they must have done most of the residents of the city by now, he is considering leaning out and asking if they have mentioned him yet, but then they move on, we settle down to sleep.
I do not sleep well, I only have a shawl and some jumpers and really I need something more to cover me even indoors with the window open.
At some  point I wake up, my pal is taking his top and jeans off, he isn't going to try anything is he? I must be mad, sleeping on this stranger's floor. But no, he is just making himself comfortable to sleep under the duvet instead of on top of it. I sleep again. The only thing I notice is that the traumas don't chase me into sleep or wake up with me, it is a rare night free from the memories of the injustice and people who have hurt me.

In the morning my alarm softly wakes me and I say goodby to my pal, he stays in bed and says goodbye, and I head to the daycentre for a cooked breakfast and a shower, then I head for the doctor's surgery, there is a long wait and this surgery is a specialist homeless surgery, so I wait in a room full of smelly homeless people, the doctor is running late and so I read most of a book about an abused boy, when I get to see the doctor he is ok with my asthma, he says eventually he may put me on a combination inhaler to make life easier for me, which is ok, he also tries to refer me to psychology, which is hard to get so he doesn't know if it will be possible, he understands completely about aspergers and medicines and psychiatry not mixing well, he also says there is a good leg and foot surgery team who will asess me, so that is good.

Hey ho, off to the daycentre for a donut and tea, and then back to the other daycentre for tea and beans on toast and a few hours just relaxing and reading books.
Then on to the library where I have to book a computer as a lot of them are closed for upgrades.

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