
This is a merge of my 'Wanderer' blog that tells of two years of my three years on the streets, and a new blog that tells of my life after the Diocese of Winchester ripped through my life for for the last few years on top of the previous serious harm that left me homeless
This is a day to day blog of my life as I continue to survive, work on recovery and on the social problems that I have and try to come to terms with limitless traumas I have survived along the way.
This blog is in tandem with my blog about my experiences in the Church of England

The former name of this blog and the name of it's sister blog are to do with my sense of humour, which I hope to keep to the end, which appears to be ever more rapidly approaching. At least I laughed, and I laughed at the people who were destroying me. Don't forget that.

Here are my books, which I wrote for you if you would like to know more:

Wednesday, 1 October 2014

Wednesday Afternoon

Good afternoon,

Well a very hot and sick person is writing this.

I haven't quite got the hang of abandoning my community routines when I am sick, but I have little choice if I don't get better.

This morning I plodded on with schedule, I went to the drop in and spent two hours with my beloved pals. It was so hard not to sit there with my head in my hands, and I thought I would vomit but I didn't.
Then I headed for community lunch club in the next town, this is not my dear lunch club with my pals, this is the referral lunch club.
When I got there, they wanted me to go with them to get me some clothes afterwards but I felt so ill during lunch that I was forced to leave early, and they will take me clothes shopping next week, I also had to abandon my own necessary shopping, all I could do was bike back here along the bay. I have to have my hair cut at 3pm, but after that I will be returning to bed.

I cannot go out and about when I am this ill, I will have to wait until I am well, which is sad because there is so much to do tomorrow, including my own friendly lunch club and quiz.

It is a warm day, which doesn't help.


  1. I think it's great that you make the effort even if unwell - hope you feel better soon.

    1. Thank you Emma, I should be ok in a day or two, phew, it has been dreadful.
      I hope to be able to carry on my routine as normal tomorrow.


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