
This is a merge of my 'Wanderer' blog that tells of two years of my three years on the streets, and a new blog that tells of my life after the Diocese of Winchester ripped through my life for for the last few years on top of the previous serious harm that left me homeless
This is a day to day blog of my life as I continue to survive, work on recovery and on the social problems that I have and try to come to terms with limitless traumas I have survived along the way.
This blog is in tandem with my blog about my experiences in the Church of England

The former name of this blog and the name of it's sister blog are to do with my sense of humour, which I hope to keep to the end, which appears to be ever more rapidly approaching. At least I laughed, and I laughed at the people who were destroying me. Don't forget that.

Here are my books, which I wrote for you if you would like to know more:

Thursday, 2 October 2014

Thursday Afternoon

Good afternoon,

Phew! What a busy day! I shouldn't really have done as much as I have and I was quite ill by lunchtime.

I am not in pain today but still not well really.
So the hour and five minutes of exercise recorded on my chart is a bit much. All cycling of course.

I headed out this morning, went to Mass, then dropped a letter off, then scooted to the next town, it is up and down hills all the way, a killer. I did my essential shopping and banking.
The problem with relying solely on DLA is that I can only shop and do essential things once a month, and so I end up short of money already.
Coal tar shampoo is £5 for the smallest bottle, but if I don't buy it, I scratch my scalp raw.

So, I did my 'Poundland' shopping, things like foam pads, toiletries, batteries etc, I looked round the chattery shops, but I didn't find any good books, and next week someone is taking me clothes shopping in the chattery shops, so, quite please with timing, I made my way back to my lunch club.

This is my usual friendly lunch club, but most of my friends were away, and the people I ended up sitting with were all elderly and deaf, it was hard work and it was too hot in there and I felt dizzy and unwell, we had a nice roast dinner though, but my quizmaster friend was away so the quiz was too hard. When the priest came and asked me how I was spending the rest of the day, I had to admit I only felt like going home to sleep.

Eventually I escaped and scooted along the cliffs, the sea was grey and calm under fog but it is such a hot day, I may have a gentle swim later.
I freewheeled home.

The lesser spotted landlady was chatting to one of the other residents, and they told me that the Andy-Man has already been to look at the electrics and smoke alarm but the council will be inspecting us and other things may need doing.
Argh, I do not like change. Apart from when it is money sort of change.

This is my first sugar-free day, and I think it came too close on the back of this hypo-enduced illness, my brain is worried, it says 'Is this another hypo?' 
But it isn't, because there is enough sugar in my food, my system just needs to get used to no sugar in tea or sweets. I will still have sugar first thing in the morning in my tea, and the rest of the time I now have sweetner, which I dreaded but it is ok, and sugar free sweets, my tummy is a bit doubtful, it says 'Is this aspartame? shall I be sick?'

Withdrawal symptoms, cold turkey, on the back of such a bad illness, I hope I don't relapse, my muscles are tight.

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